Our Solutions



Point-of-Water Chlorine Dispensers

Our goal is to reduce and maintain the prevalence of diarrhea below 10% in our operating area and we have a proven solution to achieve this. Point-of-water chlorine dispensers is an intervention that aims at treating drinking water using a water chlorination method. This is done by putting in place a “chlorine dispenser system”, which is an innovative way of treating water with dilute chlorine solution (Sodium hypochlorite) at the level of communal water points and encompasses three main components: A dispenser hardware installed next to a communal water point, ongoing health education and behavior change communication, and incessant supply of chlorine refills.

The dispenser hardware is a three-litre container in which a solution of hypochlorite sodium solution is added. It is attached to a metallic stand fixed in the ground near a shared  water point. Users place the jerrican under the dispenser installed next to the water point, turn the valve to dispense the pre-measured amount of chlorine and go back home with treated water. A community promoter elected by community members is tasked to refill the dispensers and teach users how to use this technology.

Uniqueness of this solution

This technology was initially developed in 2007 through a rigorous scientific research process by Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) and researchers from Harvard University and the University of California Berkeley. It has been proven to be the most effective water treatment alternative.

Chlorine is by far the most commonly used disinfectant in the world. World Health Organisation estimates that chlorine kills 99.9% of pathogenic microorganisms in water reliably and protects water from potential recontamination during collection and storage for up to 72 hours. Installing a chlorine dispenser next to a water point offers maximum convenience to users of this free service, leading to high adoption rate.

Dispensers eliminate the need to burn firewood to boil water, which is the commonest water treatment option. This allows to not only effectively reduce the carbon footprint, but also to save time spent by women on housework.

The Goal

We are working to reduce and maintain diarrhea rates to 10% or below in the most affected communities. Our plan is  to reach 100,000 beneficiaries by 2025.

Producing Chlorine Locally

We are producing Chlorine Solution locally and cheaply using a WHO-certified Technology. More details coming soon…


Water For Development (Water4Dev) is a youth-led community-based organization operating in Burundi with a core mission to improve access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services.



7ème Transversale, Cibitoke Province
P.O. Box 6760, Bujumbura, Burundi
Email: contact@water4dev.org
Phone: +257 65 172 172

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